Beatrice and Chiara are the 'Deae ex Machina' of this beautiful project whose mission is to put well-being at the heart of the person through practices such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
Our team has already participated in their events and they are absolutely thrilled!

Wellessere's mission is well described on their website:

"If holiday is synonymous with wellbeing and physical and mental regeneration then it may be worth using it as a time to rest the mind and ease the tensions we carry around.
Mindfulness or yoga are not switches to turn off tensions or negative emotions but allow us to learn how they work. Learning to observe emotions and let them flow helps us to face difficulties with the wiser part of us.
Each individual guest can choose whether to organise a class in private or in small groups directly in the chosen location.
We love contact with nature and slow living, we also organise our practices in some of the most beautiful Renaissance gardens in Florence.
Our clients are also companies that focus on the well-being of their employees. Rethinking workplaces to make them more women- and men-friendly is the challenge of the near future.
Together with the concept of economic and environmental sustainability, purpose-driven companies will have to develop the concept of social sustainability and review a whole series of activities that revolve around workers."

Best of luck to Chiara and Beatrice for the success of this beautiful all-female start-up;)

Article by Marco de la Pierre - dotFlorence team




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